Team Building

About Course

Team Building with a difference! Forget ropes, raft-building courses and golf outings - Cooking is the new wave in corporate team-building exercises, and who better than The Emirates Academy to meet your needs.

Food always brings people together. Culinary Team Building events create an environment that promotes creativity, communication and cooperation among participants, allowing them to relate in ways not possible in the office.

With the assistance of our expert chef Michael Kitts, team members work together to prepare a gourmet meal in a fully functional kitchen, and then "break bread" while enjoying their meal together. Prior culinary experience is not required!


Course Details

Who it is for: Anyone who wants to develop or improve communication, problem-solving skills and team building within their team.

Course Fees: AED 750 per participants

No. of Participants: 12 Maximum

Delivery Mode: Training Kitchen (Face to Face) at EAHM