Kitchen and Restaurant Management in the 21st Century

About Kitchen and Restaurant Management in the 21st Century


The 5-day programme is not kitchen or service specific but has a more holistic approach to the restaurant operation. This assists in breaking down barriers between head chefs and restaurant managers, helping them to see the operation as a whole, rather than two separate, independent parts.


Course Content


  • Sales and marketing for a restaurant
  • Understand a kitchen profit and loss account and how expenses can be affected
  • Plan and develop a restaurant concept
  • The menu as a business tool and a form of communication
  • Fully understand food cost and its relationship to profitability
  • Understand wastage and its impact on the bottom line
  • The principles of cost-effective staff planning
  • Cost Control Methods
  • The true cost of a recipe
  • Different methods to set your selling price
  • Conduct a menu analysis study and engineer a menu



The programme does not require any pre-requisites.




The Emirates Academy Certification of Achievement will be issued upon completion.

Course Details


Course Fees

AED 4,100 per participant (AED 3904.76 - course cost; AED 195.24 - VAT cost).

Delivery Mode

PowerPoint presentation, Flipchart, Role Plays, Group discussions and Practical Exercises.

Course Timing

The course runs from 0900 - 1600hrs.


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